Body image and self-esteem start in the mind, not in the mirror. They can change the way you understand your value and worth. Healthy body image and self-esteem are a big part of well-being. When it comes to women in the media, there’s no question: sex sells. The imagery we see, whether on billboards, on TV, in the pages of magazines, or elsewhere all create the perception that you’re not enough if you’re not slim with voluminous hair, flawless skin, and a perfect smile. Let’s be honest if you’re not willing to bare it all and tempt your audience with your beautifully , imperfect female form then you are part of the problem. And nobody’s a bigger culprit of this than the advertising industry. But the ads we’ve been exposed to for years—imagery of unrealistic, retouched women—are really being challenged in the name of female empowerment.

We no longer care to see perfection, yet imperfection is what we seek, where stretch marks aren’t simply a thing that exists; they must be embraced and loved wholeheartedly for all they represent- whether its child birth, weight gain, or some other life transformation. Body image is mental and emotional: it’s both the mental picture that you have of your body and the way you feel about your body when you look in a mirror. Healthy body image is more than simply tolerating what you look like or “not disliking” yourself. Our first assessment of people is based on how they look. Advertising preys on self-doubt, encouraging us to perceive a problem (our body size, skin tone, dress sense) and then gratifyingly provides the solution (weight loss and muscle toning programs/equipment/food-like-substances, make-up/cleansing regimens/spa treatments/laser clinics… and clothes. Lots of clothes). A healthy body image means that you truly accept and like the way you look right now, and aren’t trying to change your body to fit the way you think you should look. It means recognizing the individual qualities and strengths that make you feel good about yourself beyond weight, shape or appearance, and resisting the pressure to strive for the myth of the “perfect” body that you see in the media, online, in your communities.

10 ways to improve your body image:

1. Avoid offending media.
What we read and watch has a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves.

2. Consciously seek out media that reinforces positive self-image.
Follow body positive, and unfiltered positive influencers

3. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. ANY time you start to think negative thoughts, like “I hate my thighs,” replace them with something you love about yourself

4. Wear clothes that fit and that you are comfortable with. Get rid of old, baggy clothes that hide your entire body; instead, find things that accentuate your favorite body parts and flatter your overall figure.

5. Take notice of the things your body can do. As you lose weight, notice how much easier it is to do things or how strong your body feels.

6. Do nice things for your body and mind. Get a massage, take a warm bath or wear something that makes you feel sexy.

As your body image improves and your confidence grows, you will discover greater intimacy in your relationships and over all outlook on life.

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