How do you take your coffee ? In the Shower!!! Did you know coffee can be as stimulating for your skin as it can for your brain? Coffee when massaged on to the skin can reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, give you a brighter complexion, and softer, more supple and tighter skin. Coffee grounds remove dirt and oil from its top layer, helping to keep the pores clean, allowing the caffeine to naturally seep in and stimulate blood flow, which can temporarily tighten the skin and remediate fluid retention that causes puffiness.

Here are some reasons your skin will thank you for an external coffee boost :

It’s a rich source of antioxidants: The environment is full of free radicals that wreak havoc on the skin. However, loading up skin with the antioxidants in coffee protects it and bolsters its natural defenses. In fact, a study showed that coffee bean extracts can be responsible for skin cell energy preservation due to its free-radical properties.

It makes skin smooth and bright: Because of its qualities that signal tissue repair, coffee plays a crucial role in regulating cell re-growth, leading to retained hydration, and increased skin elasticity.

It enhances circulation: When coffee promotes blood circulation, it leads to healthy and energized skin, effectively reducing the swelling of tissues and de-puffing areas of the skin. You can also make coffee ice cubes in advance and trace it over the affected are.


Stay away from body scrubs with harsh chemicals such as parabens and phthalates, that seep into your pores and disrupt your endocrine system, aka the system that controls your hormones. Lola Scrubz combines espresso grounds with dead sea salt and grape seed oil. No mystery ingredients, no harsh chemicals, only clean ingredients that will seep into your pores and nourish your skin. The smell is also soothing, it has been studied that the smell of coffee boosts the brain and makes you feel more relaxed.

Spa treatment for fraction of cost

Coffee scrub massages are a very popular treatment across most high-end spas. It costs upwards of $200 for a full body treatment that uses coffee as the exfoliant. Packed with antioxidants, along with anti-inflammatory and skin tightening effects, coffee scrubs will improve circulation and overall feel to your skin for a fraction of the cost.

Cellulite enemy no.1

Many cosmetic companies use coffee as an ingredient to target cellulite. The amazing property of caffeine is to dilate the blood vessels and reduce the appearance of skin dimples. While exfoliating the skin will aid in a smoother look and feel the dilation caused by caffeine gives the skin that temporary smoother look. The longer you leave the coffee scrub on the more dilated the blood vessels become. The skin will also tighten from the stimulating effects of scrubbing caffeine onto the skin, this is due to improving blood flow to the area.

Coffee scrubs do more than just exfoliate,

it’s a treatment for the skin.

Coffee Scrubs are more than just an exfoliator, it is a treatment for the skin. So, if you have never had a coffee scrub body treatment before, then we highly recommend you experience Lola Scrubz Moisturizing Body Scrub. No need to go to a spa to reap the benefits of a coffee scrub treatment, try it in the comfort of your own home. Your skin will thank you.

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